Filter problem


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2005
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Okay, I have a betta in a 5 gal tank with a swordtail and three guppies. Everyone gets along, no fin nipping whatsoever, but I think the power filter that the tank came with creates too strong of a current for the betta. (His name is Sorensen. Soren for short.) I tried a filter that uses an airstone, but the turbulence from the bubbles was even worse than the power filter. I don't want to leave the tank without a filter, because the livebearers are generally a bit messy and the tank is densely planted. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding a filter I could use that wouldn't be harsh on Soren?
You can stuff filter foam inside the intake tube or cut a slit in a block of filter foam and slide the tube inside the will slow the water output down tremendously.
I've kept Killies ( who also don't like turbulance ) in small tanks like yours by using a small inside box filter , with gravel and glass wool. turn the air down till you can count the bubbles. 60-90 bpm, or less. Your just keeping the water moving thru the filter. Some floating plants help hold town the ripples.
Don't over clean the gravel , and you have a bio-filter. Or you could use a spounge filter.
No more fish than you have , with carefull , stingey , feeding ,and water partial water changes weekly , should work.
Just an added thought. You can set your big filter up on a plastic container , somewhere out of the way. ( closet, or garage ) Throw some of your used tank water back into the reserve tank sometime. Turbulantly filter the ......out of it. You will have clean filtered , aged water when you do your water changes.
Luck with your fish.
Here's a couple of threads where a couple alternatives are discussed for cutting down on filter current from overhead filters.

I like to use the Duetto 50 by marineland in my small tanks. It's a fully submersible adjustable output filter with seperate mechanical, biological, and chemical filtration. The output can be adjusted right down to a trickle if you want it that low.
Just make sure you keep an eye on the betta and guppies. Everything may be fine now, but the betta may take it into his mind to tear the guppies apart. Just ask anyone who has kept them together. I think guppiedude tried it. It didn't work out too well for the guppies.
There may be no fin nipping, but its way overstocked. And is the betta flaring a lot? I'd imagine he would be. But anyways, either try a spong filter or an adjustable one, you can always put the heater or something in front of the output tube as well.

I pushed my filter down the tank towards the bottom and put a vertical slate decoration diagonally across it. The water is much calmer at the top and Benny can hide behind the slate where the water hardly moves at all.
Sorry photo came out huge!
AlexsDaddy said:
Here's a couple of threads where a couple alternatives are discussed for cutting down on filter current from overhead filters.

I like to use the Duetto 50 by marineland in my small tanks. It's a fully submersible adjustable output filter with seperate mechanical, biological, and chemical filtration. The output can be adjusted right down to a trickle if you want it that low.
Just make sure you keep an eye on the betta and guppies. Everything may be fine now, but the betta may take it into his mind to tear the guppies apart. Just ask anyone who has kept them together. I think guppiedude tried it. It didn't work out too well for the guppies.
Thanks for the tips. I found a site that sells small filters for 5 gal and under that I think might work. If not, I'll try some of these suggestions. As for the guppies, I AM aware that there can be a problem. I'm keeping a close eye on them and I've got a 1 gal bowl in reserve to put the betta in if he starts picking on them. Honestly, he hasn't been flaring much at them. I'm really afraid it's because he's having to worry about fighting the current from the filter right now rather than worrying about his tank mates. He spends a lot of his time at the bottom, behind the plants, where there is little current. I wouldn't worry about it so much, but there's really very little surface area that isn't turbulent and he needs to breath. *sigh* Hopefully this other filter will work.

Someone pointed out that I've got the tank overstocked. Just wanted to let you know that the sword is temporary. As soon as I take the bala shark and common pleco in my ten gallon back to my lfs, I'm moving the sword to the ten gallon where I've got another betta and a school of seven neons.

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