Filter Overflowing - Help Please!

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2010
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Hi i need some help. My filter is a trickle filter, i noticed it had filled up rather a lot as the water level of the tank had dropped a few days ago. Now there is water running down the back and side of the tank (on the inside!) as the filter is so overflowing. i've had a look inside the filter but i have no idea what the problem might be. Water is flowing out of the filter in the normal way fine as well, it's not blocked as far as i can see.
Any ideas??
have you cleaned the media recently? if so that could be restricting flow.
have you cleaned the media recently? if so that could be restricting flow.

Nope. i haven't touched the filter and the strange thing is the flow doesn't seem restricted, yet water is building up. Any other ideas?
If you are having water build up in your filter, there is something restricting return flow. To me that means it is time for a good cleaning of the filter media. Even if it still looks clean, it is not passing enough water, as you have noted with the level rise.

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