Filter Options For 120 Gal


New Member
Nov 17, 2005
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we just got a 120 gal and every dealer wants to sell you something. what do you experts like?
fish to keep? planted not planted? borebottom or substrate/sand?
I would go with a canister & a hob. Canisters are superior with bio filtration, average with mechanical. Hob's are great for mechanical, only decent for bio filtration. Either can be set up for chemical filtration, the size of each depends on what type of fish you want to keep, planted or unplanted.

chiclids mostly, (so she says) but also placostamus dont know what else
Dont think we are going with plants but it will be substrate.
we mainly were wanting opinions on filter brands sizes etc
I would get both a HOB and a cansiter, but thats me I like to over do it. I would for the canister go for a magnum, and for a HOB an emperor 400, there both top of the line.
Canister + HOB seems to be the best for that tank. 1 eheim or fluval 404 + 2x aquaclear 500 should do it :)

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