Filter medium


Fish Fanatic
Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
Wales, UK
How often should i change my filter medium?? Ive been told every 6 months.....this correct??
In my tanks the instructions say that the filter media should be squeezed (in aquarium water syphoned from the tank) every three to six months, and then replaced between six and twelve months. Both my tanks have four filter media, so I have to stage it so that they all don't get cleaned or changed at the same time.
Filter Media really only needs to be replaced when it deteriorates to the point of being useless. I've got a cheapie h.o.b. on my quar tank that said to replace the filter media monthly. Riiight. I don't even use the crappy thin media that came with it, I put in a cut down aquaclear sponge and some floss. Another tank has an old ac 200 with a sponge that has to be 2 years old, not deteriorated yet, and still works fine.

As far as cleaning the media, it depends on the filter, tank size, and quantity and type of fish in the tank. A decrease in water flow usually means it's time to clean the media.

Thanks for the info..... :D

I clean my media about once every 2months....the sponge seems fine at the moment so i guess i dont need to replace it quite yet

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