Fish Addict
Ok--my boy is looking pale & swollen. Still has appetite and is active but is pale and less active than usual. I tried treating him for constipation 2 weeks ago as his belly has been looking bigger than normal. That didn't help. Cut back on feeding a bit which didn't help so now am treating with Maracyns. My question is--I have a box filter and took out the charcoal portion of it. I filled the vacant spot with more cottony stuff as it does need to be filtered. Do I need to remove that as well? Also--I put some IAL in there as well but took it out today. Will that cut down on the effectiveness of the Maracyns? 1 and 2 . I'm using both. Did a 40% percent water change in the tank. Parameters all good. Planted 10 gallon. No new fish added. Nothing new in there. Acts like himself but just slowed down, seems weaker, is pale, still hungry to the max as always, doesn't flare as much. Born in November possibly so not old. OK-thank in advance for any info.