Filter Issues


New Member
Feb 17, 2013
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Hi everyone.

I don't seem to be having much luck at the moment. It turns out that the filter I have been running for 2 months which helped me cycle my tank is on its last legs. Every now and again the water flow drops down to pretty much nothing. After taking it apart it seems to then spring back into life?

Today I installed a new filter to run alongside this filter with the aim of letting it take over after a month or so. I am going away for a week tomorrow and the ammonia was at 0.5 before a water change this evening. I am concerned that the filter will do the same while I am away. Do I take the risk and leave the two filters as is is or do I transfer media to the new filter?

I have been using Seachem Prime with my water changes and I set up the tank with a fishless cycle before getting 5 neon tetra.

I just hope the tank pulls through while I'm away.
it might help if you tell us which filter you have,
it will take a very long time to cycle a second filter running along side an existing filter, bacteria are not just going to jump from one filter to the other.....i would put the existing media in the new filter (if possible)
If I transfer the media from the old filter would it not kill a lot of bacteria?

The old filter is a Superfish 100 and the new filter is an Interpet PF2.

Always worth checking things like floss in the filter, they tend to sludge up and cause flow rates to drop off rapidly, clearing it out helps but it'll drop off again.

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