is this the one you mean?
If it is, then it is an eheim 2229 Wet/Dry filter.
The basic principle is that you only use biological media inside it and the filter is designed to constantly fill up and then empty so alternating the media contact from water and air (hendce the wet/dry!!) The thoery is that this creates much better biological activity and so breaks down ammonia and nitrite much quicker than a standard filter.
The problems I have heard about are that because it is so good at breaking down ammo and nitrite, the nitrAte can rise v. quickly to dangerous levels, and because the biological activity is so good the bacteria starve the water of oxygen.
I've not experienced either of these problems, partly because I have the output of the filter set so that on the empty cycle it agitates the surface so much that I get good oxygen exchange.
I have another filter running to cover mechanical and when needed chemical filtration as well.
The biggest problem I have noticed with this filter is the noise. because it is constantly filling and emptying, you will get a lot of running water noise, so I wouldn't recommend it for bedroom use. Other than that is is a very good filter.
Depends on what size tank you have and what stocking level you have in there as to whether it would benefit you, but really a standard Eheim Pro II or Classic will do the job just as well and be easier to use then the wet/dry.