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New Member
May 27, 2009
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I have aquired a Hydor Prime 20 and am a little unsure of how it works..

I have cleaned it out and hooked it up in my sink as I want to see if it works...
If you switch it on at the plug it makes an awful racket but doesn't seem to be doing anything!
It wasn't taking water in so I filled it up hoping it would make water come out. It didn't.

Should it be higher or lower than the water? And does it need to be on for ages before it will work? How does it work??
You will be better off posting this in the hardware section of the forum. hopefully a mod will move it for you. Most filters work off a siphon so you may need to hook it up to the tank. the loud rattling noise you can hear is possibly the impeller running dry due to a lack of siphon.


my other half figured it out for me.. I had not filled it with quite enough water it now works.

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