Filter Help Pleaseeeee!


Sep 2, 2008
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ok just set up out external filter

followed the instructions

pumped the water into it etc... it says about waiting for bubbles to be realised not nothings happening??

except for the bublles im creating by manually pumping the water into the filter like its says!!!


do i just turn the filter on??? ive pumped the water in for over 10 mins now!???!
ok just set up out external filter

followed the instructions

pumped the water into it etc... it says about waiting for bubbles to be realised not nothings happening??

except for the bublles im creating by manually pumping the water into the filter like its says!!!


do i just turn the filter on??? ive pumped the water in for over 10 mins now!???!
if its full turn it on,also if it makes a noise just give it a little shake to get the bubbles on :hyper: have fun :rolleyes:
its afluval - 205

how do i know when its full though???

bubbles keep coming out the 'in' bit when im pumping

doesnt work :(

tried everything!

going back tomorow...:(
finally! got it working!!

it makes the 'humming' noise the agushing noise????????

also - the problem was the little white ball was blocking the water flow!! so i took it out and works perfetly now :)
finally! got it working!!

it makes the 'humming' noise the agushing noise????????

also - the problem was the little white ball was blocking the water flow!! so i took it out and works perfetly now :)


You will need to put that little white ball back in. It stops debris getting into the cannister and causing other problems. Not sure why it would be causing that problem though, all the ones in mine are fine.

Most strange :blink:
oh ok lol!

keeps making a gushing sound now and again though???????
All cannister filters, I believe, are subject to air bubbles being in the media when they've just been filled. The bubbles make their way up to the top where the pump head is. Often they get trapped there and make noise as the impellor swirls them around.

What you do to resolve this is kind of fun but you have to be careful. You bodily pick up the whole cannister, being careful of where your water tubes and electric wire are (you don't want to pull on them and have them pull loose or something!) and then you "do a nice swaying dance" with your filter, gently but significantly tipping it at angles less than 45 degrees from upright so that the bubbles have a chance to be sucked up into the output tube. The bubbles should make scary sounding spurts coming out of your spraybar.

ps. I think this is why nitro7 said to have fun! :fun:
pps. the filter stays on for all this
thanks everyone!

its runnning nice and smoothly now!! leaving it on now

when do i add the heater??

have added the bacterlife stuff already...

and now the fun begins?!? lol
also - why is there tons of little bubbles all over the tank?!????
You can put the heater on now to bring the tank up to temperature - should be around 26 to 28 for most setups.

OK some further advice:

This will be a bit of a read, but as I guess your a 'bona fide' newbie, it may help to give you a good all-round start to keeping our slippery friends. So read on...

Canister filter maintenance:
You will need to clean your external canister filter about once a month - don't listen to advice that tells you that you only do this every two to three months as the filter and media will become heavily clogged up and will be much more difficult to clean and may even result in you having to replace all the internal media as you won't be able to clean it sufficiently! Don't be put off by the below maintenance routine as they are by far the best choice of tank filtration for most setups. :nod:

1. Switch it off - the canister filter not you!
2. Uncouple the tubes as per the instructions.
3. Unclip the power head from the canister and remove the canister body - carefully as it is still full of water - and put a bowl under the power head as it will still contain some water and will make a mess.
4. Drain some of the water out of the tank (about 10% of the tank water) into a bucket / container that you don't use around the house - cleaning chemicals would 'leach' into the water and poison your fish - even if it is perfectly dry!
5. Empty the canister water into the sink / water your plants with this as they would love all the stuff in there. :nod:
6. Take the filter media out of the canister and clean it in the water that you just removed from the tank - this way you won't kill all the good bacteria built up in it - if you clean the media under the tap you will kill all of the bacteria. :no: Clean the filter sponges by holding them in the water and giving them a good squeeze until them appear fairly clean - you don't want to remove all of the bacteria remember.
7. Put all the media back in the canister - but leave it empty of water.
8. Take the bucket / container and place it under the filter tubes that go into your tank. Turn the lever so that the water in the tubes drains into the container - should only take a few seconds to happen. You do this so that you avoid all the gunk in the inlet tube from being pumped straight into your nice clean tank when the pump is restarted. :good:
9. Put the canister back in position, clip the power head onto the canister body and reconnect the tubes correctly. Then turn the lever so that the water from your tank drains into the canister and fills it up - should take one to three minutes to fill completely.
10. Switch the filter back on and wait to see if the water starts to flow into you tank correctly - if not then give the 'primer' a few pumps to get it going (If you have to do this it may pay to do this without the white ball in place, but make sure you put it back - while the filters still running.) You may still get a bit of noise from the canister at first, but, if so, follow Water Drop's advice and dance round the living room with it until any air bubbles have gone. :p

Sounds like a lot of hassle to go through once a month but after you have done it two or three times you should be able to get this job down to about fifteen minutes - start to finish! Remember, to maintain your tank well, and keep the fishes happy, no job you do should be regarded as a chore!

I don't mean to sound patronising, but I run Fluval externals myself (two 405s) and they are not the easiest to maintain and this advice comes from my personal experience / pain with the darn things. :hey: (I have since replaced one of my Fluvals with an AquaPro 3 and it is far better and easier to maintain - and much cheaper to buy in the first place!)

Water changes:
Once a week (or as part of the canister filter maintenance) you need to change around 15% of the tank's water. You do this to reduce the bioload on the tank, keeping things like PH, nitrites and ammonia levels acceptable to your little fishes and to keep the water nice and clear. You should also clean the inside of the glass (front and sides - don't worry too much about the back) so that you do all the disturbance to the tank in one go and it makes you feel better as the tank will now look super clean! :)

When you replace the water, use the bucket / container that you don't use around the house (see canister maintenance point 4 above) and fill it with enough water to replace what you have removed, adding the correct amount of dechlorinator - use something like StressCoat as this will also give some added benefits to the fish. When you do this don't be afraid to use some hot water from the tap or add some hot water from the kettle - enough to bring the temperature of the water in the bucket to about the same as what's in the tank. This way you won't shock your fishes with cold water and also your tank heater won't have to struggle for an extra hour or two to bring the tank back up to its correct temperature. :) :)

Hope this helps :good:
Take a look at the inlet/outlet pipes at the top of the filter and make sure there in the correct holes. I had this problem with mine and like a moron i'd put the inlet pipe into the outlet hole and the outlet pipe into the inlet hole.. :blink: This may be your problem. Also try pumping the filter until you have got rid of the air in the tubes and move your filter round also as sometimes if its not sitting perfectly it will buzz/hum. ;)

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