filter for 75gal?

You won't go wrong with an Ehiem filter, by far the best on the market IMO, ( I've got the 2224 quiet as a mouse) I think the Eheim Pro II External Filter 2026 would do you just fine, at around £130 a bit pricey, but as the old saying goes, buy cheap pay twice. Hope this helps.
Eheim is the best, but personally, I am going with Filstar XP3 - slightly louder but better value.
canarsie11 said:
yhbae said:
Eheim is the best, but personally, I am going with Filstar XP3 - slightly louder but better value.
My xp3 runs silent, sometime i have to check if it is on :D
That's good to hear... ;) Eheim must be really quiet - the comparison came from those who actually owned both... ;)
I have two fluval 304's running on my 80 gallon uk tank. And an Eheim 2324 for my 20 gallon uk. The Fluvals are much cheaper but more awkward to use and set up. They are both silent when running. The Eheim seems slightly better made and is very straightforward to use.

Whilst setting up my 80 gallon I've been having to move the fluvals around and sort the piping. I've noticed they do have a tendancy to let excess water out from around the top seal when being moved. Not huge amounts but enough to be annoying.

If you are using the tank in a carpeted room I would go for the Eheim as they seem pretty bombproof and 'clean to use'. If it's tiled/wood floor then the fluvals do a great job for the money. They just seem a little awkward to set up but perfectly usable once going.
thanks for all the advice i've decided to go for the eheim pro II after viewing an oddly placed catalogue that came with a tank hood (no idea why it was there)

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