Filter change question


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I own an Eclipse 12 setup. It has the bio-wheel and that blue filter cartridge. How often, do you guys out there that own them, change such cartridges?
i've got an eclipse system 3 and i replace my cartridge every month. i normally do h2o changes once a week and just rinse the cartridge in the dirty water and set it right back into my filter. my fish seem not to mind my procedure ;)

tho being that my tank is much more smaller than yours one... i'm not sure how often you would have to replace your cartridge.
In my Eclipse systems i found the cartridges were very expensive and didn't do a very good job at mechanical filtration even when brand new. I replaced them with 2 sponges (like the replacement inserts for aquaclear filters) that i fit into the same area of the filter. After that, all you have to do is rinse a sponge at water change time (alternate which you rinse each WC) in discard tank water or dechlorinated water. Saves a ton of money in the long run, saves whatever bacteria is growing on the media, and does a much better job of filtration.
Luxum, could you take a picture of what you mean? It sounds like a very good setup, but I've never heard of the sponges you are talking about. I appreciate your help.
If the Eclipse cartridges are like the Penguin cartridges (I assume they would be, both being Marineland products), then in addition to the sponges, you can also 'make' your own cartridges, like this.

That's the method I usually use. I bought a package of batting for about $5, and I'd guess it'll last me four or five years.
My mom has a ton of that stuff. She's a real crafty person. That's excellent!!! I'll save a ton of money. One thing, any insight into why the person chooses to use no carbon?

Thank you so very much Bol.
If you mean in that linked article ... Curt chooses not to use carbon because his focus is on plants, and carbon is mostly unnecessary and possibly harmful to the nutrient mix in a planted tank.

Personally, I only use carbon when I have to mop up medications.
BirdofPray said:
Luxum, could you take a picture of what you mean? It sounds like a very good setup, but I've never heard of the sponges you are talking about. I appreciate your help.
I knew there was a reason i kept those parts! :alien: I dug them out and took a couple shots, they are posted in the gallery in this thread.

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