Filter Cartridge.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2008
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Arlington Texas
I have a ten gallon tank that has been up and running with no fish in it so that it can cycle on it's own. It has the heater, gravel, plants, decor, and filter. But no filter CARTRIDGE. I HAVE to put fish in it tonight but can't get the cartridge until tomorrow. Will the fish be ok untill I put one in about noon tomorrow?
If by cartridge you mean biological filter media (foam), then tbh I doubt your tank is ready for fish at all. Did you actually cycle it?

If you mean some sort of chemical cartridge, then unless you know what type it is, know what it does and know why you need to use it I would suggest against it.
I only use biological and mechanical (filter floss) media in my filter.

What model of filter is it and what type of cartridge is it?
I have a ten gallon tank that has been up and running with no fish in it so that it can cycle on it's own. It has the heater, gravel, plants, decor, and filter. But no filter CARTRIDGE. I HAVE to put fish in it tonight but can't get the cartridge until tomorrow. Will the fish be ok untill I put one in about noon tomorrow?

purely from your post, NO NO NO. as three-fingers says you need the cartridge to cycle the tank. at a guess you are about two to three weeks off putting fish in the tank.

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