Filter broke - what to do with filter media

Did you give it a whack? Believe it or not but that does work most times.
Take off the tube and reach into impeller area with an ice pick and give the impeller a push... it should start up. Then replace tube and prime the filter with water.
Take off the tube and reach into impeller area with an ice pick and give the impeller a push... it should start up. Then replace tube and prime the filter with water.
I’ve done everything you’ve said and there has been no change. It’s a relatively new filter so I believe it may be something mechanical I cannot fix myself. It’s really okay - they’re going to give me a replacement. Thank you for your concern!
I'm beginning to believe the new AC filters just aren't built like they used to be. Ive had several go out similarly myself, nothing fixes them either. All "newer" or brand new too.
The motor on my AC70 (less than a year old at that) went out, woke up to a filter drained and motor overheated and refusing to restart despite being cleaned and reprimed.
Have you tried to see if the motor will turn without installing back into the filter housing.

I have had to do this on a few occasions with mine. While it is exposed and you can tap the impeller with your finger while it is plugged in to the wall outlet. I have gotten mine to work like that. I also clean the impeller blades, the magnet and the rod it sets on and the inside of the impeller housing with Q-tips.

I then spray the inside of the impeller housing with silicon lubricant spray. Once I got the motor and impeller to finally spin freely without having to assist it by pushing it with my finger, I reinstall into the filter. Then I put back on the tank, leave everything out of it and just run water through it giving it a change to run without having to push through the sponge and media. Then getting all back together and see if it works.

If it is leaking then you probably just need a new o-ring and can possibly find one that will work at an automotive store.

If you need to clean your sponge good in tank water and the media and just drop it back into the tank, then get you a new filter. That way the BB in the media and the sponge will survive and still help with ammonia created by your fish.

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