Filter Bag To Fit Eheim 2078


Aug 13, 2005
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London (UK)
I've bought some Seachem Purigen but need a filter bag to put it in. The one Seachem sells is half the size of one of the ehiem compartment and costs alot. Any ideas where I can get one appromiximatley 10"x10".
Several pairs of old tights, placed side by side tightly (sorry :rolleyes: ) to prevent by-pass. Fill the led till it's 10" from the base and try to squash the media in. The stocking should expand outwards a bit to several inches wide. Top off to 10" again and prepeat untill you can't squeze any more in... Tie it off and squash it into shape before placing into the filter. Repeate as required untill you have the area well covered ;)
try charterhouse aquatics thay stock thee proper ehiem ones (look under filter spares) most places do the marina ones also have a look see on flea bay

Ebay. 2 algard bags 200mm square (8") item number ..................

Thanks rabbut, I did try the tights route but it just wasn't neat enough for my liking (OCD and all that).

flash Just order the larger version of the one you mention off ebay. Great find thanks.

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