Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
In the Fishless Cycling technique we artificially add pure household ammonia to the tank (the tank that is empty of fish) in order to provide food for the two species of bacteria we must grow in the filter. You are *correct* that once we have fish we will not want ammonia in the tank! But first, we are creating a "bacterial growing soup", if you will, that will be dumped out after it has grown the filter bacteria. From that time forward, the ammonia coming off the fish (from respiration and waste) will be almost immediately processed by the mature bacterial colony and so the gills of the fish will not be subject to ammonia damage from then on.Because I don't understand why we have to add ammonia if we don't want it in the tank?
Sorry, just takes me longer to understand it.
I know it's weird, but its wonderful!