Filter And Powerhead Placement Basics

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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I have a 55g tank with a 500 gph filter and a 660 powerhead. Could someone in the know help me with the placement so I can get the maximum benefit for the tank? Thanks.
I assume you have an external filter with a spray bar? is the spray bar running across the back of the tank or at the side?
If it is across the back of the tank does it run the entire length or just half way across. 
Reason I ask is because I need to know what the flow is like without the powerhead in order to offer advice on where to place it. 
The main thing is you want to have flow around the whole tank, avoid dead spots (where there is no water movement) your powerhead can be used to create flow in the area that the flow from your filter does not reach. 
No spray bar. So any good ideas on where to aim the filter and powerhead?
I would try placing them underneath each other on a short side aiming across a long side, one at the surface giving rippling for oxygenation, the other down low to gently waft debris around the tank floor, but not so far down that the sand/gravel gets blown away. This sort of scheme also gives the fish options, have fun surfing the strong current, or swim on the other length for gentler cruise. If you know what most of the fish prefer in terms of current, you could choose to have it so the preferred water movement is at the front of the tank. But then I must confess I have a lot of fish that enjoy moderate-strong current. ;)
Alternatively, place the filter/powerheads on the diagonal from each other (eg. front-left and rear-right), again one high and one low (with powerhead firing across a long side wafting debris towards the filter inlet). This will give a more even flow in the tank.
I find this is more of an art that a "set in stone" aspect, I still have major tank maintenance days when I get shocked at how much debris I suddenly find hidden under bogwood stacks... I still have a lot of room for improvement!
Thank you! I do have a couple of "dead" spots in my tank other than under the rocks and driftwood that I was a little concerned about. When I clean out my tank tomorrow I'll try something different. I might try moving the filter output by the intake, then have the powerhead low on the opposite end, hopefully blowing the poo toward the intake.
The best thing I can say is to experiment. I have a filter with spray bar across half the back of my tank. I put my powerhead on the opposite side in the back corner pointing forward and down a bit diagonally.

I adjusted the powerhead a few times to try and get the best out of it. If you know where the dead spots are then try and target them.

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