Filter AND heater broken -Please please help


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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:( I noticed at about 9.00pm tonight that the pump appeared not to be working. On trying to fix the problem my heater broke.

Now my fish are going to freeze and have no air? please advise on how long tropical fish can live in these conditions. I did a 20% water change tonight.

Thanks in advance to anyone with a quick reponse
What size is your tank? What fish do you have? Whats the weather like in your part of the uk?
my tank is a 70 ltr. (juwel rekord 70) only had it 4 months.

I've got neons, black widow tetra, corys, guppies and one gourami

Basically weather is AWFUL, lots of rain and about 18 deg if that

I'm keeping the light on all night to see if that helps to keep them warm
You don't have too much water to keep could try an empty plastic bottle of hot water submerged (or even floating) in the tank.(coke bottle? or something.....or even milk carton)
For the filtration , theres not alot you can do til the morning,unless you have an airstone to set up to keep the water oxygenated til the morning.
Most shops in the uk open early enough in the morning for you to be able to sort this out before too much crisis!! You shouldn't have too many probs before then(hopefully)
If you have only had your juwel tank for 4 months it should still be under guarentee,although I am not sure that it covers filter and heater. Hope this helps!! :)

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