Filling Tank With Water


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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hi i have recentally changed over to sand subrate in my juwel rio 125 i have been changing water every week just hovering tube over sand to get bits out but when i put new water in from bucket seem loads more bits sitting on sand so today i clean tank as usual but i then refilled with water through the top of the juwel filter as not to disturb the sand will this be ok ?as it as just dawned on me i'm putting fresh water over all the filter sponges could this lose the bacteria in them ? thanks for any replies ps i have a freshwater master test kit so i can check for all water readings
There should not be any problem with you filling this way as long as you add dechlorinator to the water before you add it to the tank.
thanks for info guys i do add declorinator and get water close to tank temp i will keep check on water stats

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