Filling Tank Up


New Member
Jun 24, 2012
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hey everyone i am cleaning my new tank, then my sand then i will put sand in after that i will add warter then desigh whats going were my tank is 2 and half foot and not 100% sure what it looks like? any advice :)
where to put ornaments or plants in the tank :)
The best way to do it is try to design your layout with no water in, if your using live plants fill up the tank to about 2cm above the substrate to keep them hydrated whilst your working out your layout. Are you thinking of doing a display style tank? So that it follows an aquascape theme or just a quick easy layout?
I began with a quick easy layout but over time I changed to a jungle/nature style for my main tank.
thanks ive desighed it on paper and will start soon :)
Best of luck, aquascaping new tanks is fun!

Remember not to put your main features in the middle; put them one third along; it makes the tank look more interesting and natural.

Also, plants usually look better in patches or groups of one type, rather than the 'one here, one there' approach.

And don't forget pics!
thanks for the advice i will do that and make the plants look like a big bush at side then rocks and wood in middle then ormanments in background plus sand at the bottom :good:

going to do tahnk now
how long duse it take before the warter to clear up in my 2 and half foot fish tank
my tank is nearly cleaned up just need to put orminmants inside and plants then compleated :D
Tank full 4 bolivoin rams, 4 red eye tetra, plus simeise fighting fish, getting plants tomorrow ill send you a picture of the aquarium when its finished. :good:

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