Figure Eight Tank Set Up


Mostly New Member
Jan 28, 2014
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So this is my puffer tank as it is at the moment

I have some more tall plants on the way which I'm planning to put along the back to try and hide some of the pipework etc and I'm probably going to add a couple more of the roots before I get any more fish so there's lots of hiding places. It still all feels a bit plain and boring though, does anyone have any suggestions on other things to add to make it a little nicer? I was aiming for a sort of natural magrovey feel for my tank, I'm not sure I'm pulling it off so well
I love the wood on the left! Where did you find it? It looks good so far though :)
I got it from Amazon, it's not real but it looks pretty good. It's a Europet Bernina mangrove root, well they both are, I wish they did more like this to be honest
I love your setup!   How does your puffer like it? :)
He seems to like it, he's claimed underneath the bigger root as his puffer cave it seems and he seems to like mooching around in the shorter sea grass too. And if there's people around he swims up the front being nosey, he's a curious little thing
My girlfriend really wants a puffer! I do too honestly. They seem awesome. Is there any chance you could add a background to it? Maybe a dark color like black, or maybe dark blue? I like it when I have a background. Just a personal preference I suppose.
Maybe add a few smaller round rocks and strategically place them around the tank? I think some darker colored ones would look nice against the sand.
Very nice! Love the wood too. Shame it is not a real piece but I guess that means it will last longer. 
Doomchibi said:
Maybe add a few smaller round rocks and strategically place them around the tank? I think some darker colored ones would look nice against the sand.
Yeah a few rocks might be nice actually
majerah1 said:
Very nice! Love the wood too. Shame it is not a real piece but I guess that means it will last longer. 
I toyed with the idea of real wood but heard mixed things (discolouring water etc) so in the end I decided against it. That may change in time though
ag-au said:
My girlfriend really wants a puffer! I do too honestly. They seem awesome. Is there any chance you could add a background to it? Maybe a dark color like black, or maybe dark blue? I like it when I have a background. Just a personal preference I suppose.
I'm not a huge fan of backgrounds stuck on the back of tanks (think working in an aquarium may have may me a bit of a snob being used to nice 3D rock worked backgrounds) but a plain one could work actually, certainly worth a go anyway, not like it'll cost much
Thanks for the feedback guys :) Think I'll just be gradually adding and improving bits as I go with this one
I've also toyed with the idea of adding some real plants (probably just some java fern to start, nice and easy) but I'm not sure if little puffer face might just destroy them

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