Fighting Angelfish


New Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Hi all,

I never seem to have much luck with my angelfish. About 18 months ago I bought 7 juveniles. Two died within about 2 months and another died about 2 months after that, all for no apparent reason. Then another died of organ failure (I think) as had a very bloated belly but wasn't a swim bladder problem). The last 3 were fine for ages and grew very large, then one died, again for no apparent reason only about 6 weeks ago. I now only have two but in the last few weeks they have started fighting really badly. It is really aggressive and constant. I know angels can be territorial but it is a big tank and apart from an 8 inch pleco, they are the only large fish in the tank (I also have a shoal of neons, lemon tetras, harlequins and 4 gorgeous cory's).

Any advice as to why these angels are suddenly fighting and how I can stop it would be greatly appreciated!

They could be testing each other out to become a pair. When you say your tank is big, how big? Like you said angels, like most chichlids, can be very territorial especially against each other.
Thanks for the reply. Its 36 x 18 x 15 and has about 3 different obvious "territories" made from wood and plants etc. I had wondered if they were getting ready to mate but its been a couple of weeks of fighting now and no sign of eggs anywhere. Is it possible that they are both males? If so, how can I tell and would evening up the sexes help?

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