fighter fish

I don't think a betta and a cichlid would be a very good idea. If you want a betta, get a small 3 gal tank - it'd be happy in there.

To find out more about bettas, ask in the betta part of the forum.
what about golden gouramis? I have added 2 in with my betta??
Mixing labrynth fish is a bad idea. Bettas only need 3-5 gallon tanks and they are super cheep so there should be no reason to mix them.

What cant gouramis mix with all in all? Shall i put the gouramis in my main tank?
I have neons, BW Tetras, and a bala(?) shark.
Mixing labrynth fish is a bad idea. Bettas only need 3-5 gallon tanks and they are super cheep so there should be no reason to mix them.

Sorry im a newbie what are types of labrynth fish?
Gouramis and Bettas are two different kinds labyrinth fish. Basically, they have an extra organ that lets them get oxygen from the air as well as the water. That's why you see them gulping at the surface sometimes. They're collecting air to fill their little labyrinth organ.

Males Anabantids (the Order to which most labyrinth fishes belong) don't generally get along. They come from a world where territory can be very small and similar intruders treated as a physical and reproductive threat. In other words, you shouldn't put a male betta in a tank with any male Gourami. Just like you of course can't put two male bettas together.

There are exceptions to the rule, but in general... I'd say "better safe than sorry".

HTH! :thumbs:

But i sucessfully kept a Male Betta with Convict Cichlids for about a month. I had two cons in the tank (non-breeding) along with the betta and there was no violence. Keep in mind the cons were about 1.5" and the betta had some impressive fins. If the con swam over to him the betta would flare and the con would go running. I ended up removing him because the tiger barbs I added would nip his fins. I ended up giving him to a friend who wanted one.

But i would never try that again...i just got lucky
Bettas and gouramis are members of the anabettoid family they are called labarynth fish because they have small lunglike orgains called labarynth orgains anabettoids also tend to not like each other very much and may end up shreding each other.

i had two kissin g's in with my fighter for well over 3 months with no hamr being caused... they stayed away from each other an this was in a 2ft tank... :/
hmmm... one is now hiding behind the heater and wont come out!! :blink:

Ill keep an eye on him/her :sad:
louise said:
hmmm... one is now hiding behind the heater and wont come out!! :blink:

Ill keep an eye on him/her :sad:
..didn't we tell u not to put it with da others? oh well,,ur choice...btw paradise fish (sp) are also labyrinthfish

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