fighter daddy


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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hiya guys

do male fighters sometimes kill the females after they have mated?

and do they build bubble nests anywhere?

i found my female dead and covered in cotton wool fungus and ive not seen my male for 36 thinkin he's inside the mangrove root.....would he build a bubble nest in their?...and would he stay with it to protect it?

Tek :fish:
Bubble nests are built just under the surface of the water. I doubt that your betta is building a nest. It also sounds like you have an outbreak of fungus in your tank. Even if the male killed the female, there is no reason for her body to get covered in fungus. Check your male to see that he's not got fungus on him also.
my male has gone a.w.o.l.

he isnt anywhere to be seen.....i think he's gone in the mangrove root to hide n the fungus has got him....i took the root out today n emptied it n he wasnt in there so i gave it a shake n still nothing.....

i think he's deffo dead n the cotton wool fungus has attached itself to the sides....the inside of the root stank to high heaven :sad:

ho hum.....have to replace him with another when my big tank is set up and cycled

Tek :fish:
Are there any other occupants in the tank? If there are you will have to treat it for fungus.
yeah its a community tank....i treated it yesterday....funny how it only affected the betta's tho :huh:
Possibly your male got eaten :sick: - see you if can find a small skeleton somewhere. I hope the others don't get sick by eating him. Good that you treated the tank.

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