Fig 8 Breathing hard


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
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Hey guys ive had my puffer a few weeks now, he's on his tod in a cycled tank but heres the stats

ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 40-50ppm (tap is at 40, local fish he's about a year and a half old, and is used to these condits before you complain!)

Temp 24-25c

gH 16 deg

kH 15 deg

Sg. 1.002 (upping from fresh, was a rescue fish kept in fresh!

Fluval 304 filter with carbon (for tannins) nitrate removal, biomax, bogstandard mechanical pads, biomax and filter floss (works a beauty)

Sand substrate with live/fake plants, slate decor

No apparenty gill function problems, there pumping quite hard it looks, swimming normal if it not a little active but ive had him 2? weeks so still getting used to it, and he's probably still getting used to me, Healthy dose of frozen bloodworm everyday 1ce a day with ranshorn snails every couple of days. Nice big fat belly, Swimming properly i.e all fins and not tail

Still has the healthy sheen on his eyes and white belly but has had loss in brightness of black and yellow markings over the past few days

Heavy breathing developed yesterday, added an airstone to help - was without one for 4 days but wasnt gulping at the surface

Weekly water change of 50-60% using interpet tapsafe dechlor with exact temp matchs thanks to the trust laser thermometer upped sg from 1.000 to 1.002 today

So basically you can see im a little stumped!!
Help asap please!!!

-_- If your puffer is gasping at the surface, it could be lack of oxygen. I only do large water changes (50-60%) when the water isn't the right quality. Every week I do a 20-25% water change.
Nope not gulping at surface. I only do large changes as it makes for working out sg. and well why not do more when you can?! + i can get the temp exact cause of me trusty laser thermometer
He is not using one gill slit, looks clamped! come on REPLY! and just had a jumpy shimmy come on! reply!!!!
he's now in the hospital at sg 1.004 i cant go no higher without serious risk of knocking out filter bac. as its fresh - meth blue at 1ml per litre and 10ml of melafix - puff took move well and is exploring but frantic swimming one of the glass it seems

Thanks for no help i hope my move was wise

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