Fiddler Crabs


New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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I got an e@mail advertising the "A Team". This is 1 nerite snail & 1 fiddler crab. They will eat all unused food etc., etc. Does anyone know whether they will attack/ eat small loaches,tetras, mini cats( small tropicals of about 1/2" to 11/2"'s?
Hi, considering they're a brackish land crab then that alone makes them unsuitable for your average trop tank,

Also i've never come across fiddler crabs but with this type of creature (crabs/crays in general) its always best to assume that if it can catch it, it Will kill it,
Hi, considering they're a brackish land crab then that alone makes them unsuitable for your average trop tank,

Also i've never come across fiddler crabs but with this type of creature (crabs/crays in general) its always best to assume that if it can catch it, it Will kill it,
Hi, is the web page. I called them, and the person I spoke to didn't know. But they Guarantee you a clean tank. How big do fiddlers get (assuming that I add some salt to get a brackish type water)? What salinity level would they need? Which fish could survive a brackish salt level?
Fiddler crabs are not entirely aquatic, meaning that they NEED to be able to get out of the water and spend some time on land. Totally unsuitable for freshwater aquaria.

Fiddler Crabs
Was told that if you provide some floating object(s) for them to haul out onto they would be fine. True? MY main problem is a relatively high phosphate reading about 1.0 (was much higher)and blue green algea which I have stabilized with a uv sterilizer. I have been adding distilled water about 30% of my 75 gallon tank. The water is clear but I can't seem to remove the detrious matter from my plants. It doesn't bother the fish but esthetically it doesn't look like the pictures you see in the magazines.
WELL, you could always get an "Underwater Island" ---> for the issue of them having to be dry... but like Davo stated they wont survive long in an enirely freshwater aquarium. Plus, if they can catch it (especially when the fish are "sleeping" they WILL eat it...........

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