Just set up my new fiddler crab tank to be. I have read in the species index and it says the food should be placed in a shallow bowl....I was just wondering as to why as in the wild they would scavenge around for their food? The only reason I can think of is not foul the water as it may take them some time to locate it? Just curious as I doubt they have bowls in the wild

....any input from fiddler keepers would be appreciated.
Hey Drew nice to meet you!
I am by no means an expert on fiddlers, this is just stuff i have observed from keeping my crabs.
Feeding fiddlers is kinda tricky. they eat VERY slowly so it is hard to keep track of how much they eat. Keep a dish with food allows fiddlers to eat whenever they want and also keeps you from having to feed them everyday. I have tried to routinely feed my crabs but the food i put in for them always just poofs up after a few days in water then eventually like you said "foul the water." Keeping the water clean is something all of us aquarium hobbyist have to do and I guess dish feed just helps out in more different ways that you think

occasianally I give them a piece of fruit, vege, frozen shrimp etc to give them variety. hermit crab food is probably the best kind of pellet food you can get for these guys. after observing my crabs for hours on end i notice whenever they eat they just crawl up to the dish, grab a pellet from the dish, and then scurry off to their favorite spots and eat it. sometimes they just stand on the dish and eat from it.
just remember your the crabs you buy from the lfs have probably been in captivity their whole lives and tanks do not have alot of area for them to scavenge, they are more than likely used to eating off a dish. you look like a pretty avid fish keeper yourself so you probably know this already but ill go ahead and tell you make sure they have land and water space. they are NOT exclusively underwater animals no matter what people say. and they will need brackish water ranging from 0.005 -0.010. also sand is the best substrate to use. and keep the aquarium water around 78-82 F. good luck! and send me some pics of your tank when it is completed! I always like to see other peoples tank layout especially fiddlers cause there are so few of us!