Few Questions


Nov 26, 2006
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I would like to get into Killi's and just have a few questions

What Size Tank for 1 killi?
2 killis?
3 Killis?
Do they need a heater?
Planted(live/plastic) or bare tanks?
Also, do they need a filter?
How long does it takes eggs to hatch?
at what age are they fully grown?
Whatsize breeding tank?

Those questions lead to a myriad of more questions.
A little more homework is required here.
For a novice choose Aphyosemion australe....see my pinned topic above for their husbandry.
Alright! Ive looked up a lot, but cant seem to find anything. I found a wikipedia page on it, but as it can be edited by anyone, unsure if i could trust it.
Generally the minimum size tank for a pr of killifish is about 18x10x12inches (about 8-10 gallons). If you are an experienced fish keeper then smaller tanks are possible but generally the bigger tank will give you more water and this will provide a more stabile environment.
They are usually best in prs but some species are quite happy in groups as long as there is sufficient room.
They are tropical fishes and need warm water so a heater might be required depending on where you live.
Many species lay eggs in plants so fine leaf plants like Java Moss works well in their tanks. Some species lay eggs in the substrate and peat is best for those fishes. Plants do make the tank look nicer so most people have live plants in with them.
All fish do best with a filter as it helps keep the water cleaner for longer.
Depending on species the eggs can take between a couple of days to many months to hatch. Aphyosemium and Epiplaty species are the best fish to start with as they are the easiest to obtain and their eggs hatch in the shortest time.
Most killifish fish are sexually mature within 2 months.
They will normally breed in the tank they are kept in.

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