Few Fish Have Died?


New Member
Oct 19, 2006
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I recently lost two neon tetras to what I'm pretty sure was swim bladder problems as they were both trying to swim upwards for a while and would immediately sink if they weren't trying to swim up. But then I lost a platy too and it seemed like he was just ill and didn't eat for about a day and then died. So I worried about a parasite or infection in the tank? Any ideas?

Its a 10 US gallon tank thats been up and running for 10 months now. Stocked with 6 neon tetras, an eyespot rasbora, a platy, and about 14 platy fry.

I do a 1/3 water change every week. And I don't have a test kit at the moment so don't know the water stats.
Check the neons to see if there red stripe looks bleached out, or any black pathces on them.

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