Few Coral Questions!


Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
So I thought I'd brave it and see if I can keep a couple of coral frags alive! Just after a little bit of help, on their care requirements..
They're a 'striped mushroom polyp' and 'red finger gorgonian', which from what I can tell is going to be a bit more of a challenge!

So Ive figured they both need trace elements of Calcium, Strontium and Iodine.. how do I go about this, can you buy these things? will i also need test kits for each of them?

And feeding, I cant seem to find any feeding info for the mushroom, so i assume they dont actually need to be fed by me? Whereas the finger gorgonian apparently needs to be fed live baby brine shrimp, or similar, how do I do this, do you just put them in the water in the general area of the coral, or ON the coral or what!?

And anything else that you think may help me keep them alive, please add!
most salt mixes will contain the trace elements you listed the question is whether there is enough to support them

ultimately you should never dose your tank with anything before knowing what your current levels are, too much is often way more dangerous than too little

you don't need to feed mushrooms

never kept gorgonians so will let someone else comment on feeding them
Can you put a pic up of the gorg so I can ID it? Very few NPS corals actually need live food so you can forget the baby artemia, once I see it I can tell you what to feed it.

Regarding elements, unless you have a packed SPS reef WC's will replenish all your needs.
Thanks for the help :) heres the one ive bought..
That is Diodogorgia nodulifera, an easyish NPS coral bit still harder to keep then most photosynthetic corals.

Place it low in the tank in high, non direct flow. If algae build up occurs lightly run your fingers over the branches to clean it.

They will take most meaty foods from rotifers and cyclops to chopped (very small) mysis. Also use marine snow, phytoplankton and filter feeding foods. The coral will need feeding frequently (like 5-8 times a day) by either squirting a small bit of food right at it or by adding slightly more to the water column.

How big is you tank and do you skim? Be aware that NPS corals will play havoc with your water quality so keeping up with WC's is a must. Add some algae's tp your tank to help keep nutrients down.

If you need any help with it just shout, everyone else does when it comes to gorgs :)
Thanks sorgan! The tank is 330l, about 89g i think? I'm not skimming at the moment, but do plan to as soon as I manage to sort a sump out!
Will I ned to test my water for more than the usual ammonia, trite, trate? If so what else?
Nah just keep your tests up, you have a nice big system so that will help. Like I said get sone algae in there to promote planktonic life and this will add to the foods available.

Oh and welcome to the dark side :ninja:
Yeah, punch it into eBay. Marine macro algae.

Just post a link before you buy ok :)
Cool, cheers :D

I'm also running phosphate and nitrate remover in an external atm, I'm assuming that wont affect the coral?

Ive found this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marine-Macro-Algae-Caulerpa-racemosa-Green-Grape-Algae-/300573813937?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Fish&hash=item45fb986cb1

And this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marine-Macro-Algae-Caulerpa-sertualoides-Feather-algae-/300576492892?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Fish&hash=item45fbc14d5c

I have algae that looks very similar to both os these growing in my tank already, tho I'm not sure its the same stuff!
Nah, while gorgs are pretty tough when nitrate and phosphate are concerned they still thrive better with lower amounts.
Is that all that's on eBay? Pfft.
You can use caulerpa but it's quite invasive, other algae's are up for sale usually.

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