Fert / Light Balance


Sep 18, 2011
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Hi, having pretty good progress in my tank, its well set now with a regular routine of around 50% W/c weekly, ferts go in after the wc with the water stats AMM 0, Ni 0 and Na at around 20ppm.

The ferts is the std stuff from AE for non co2 tanks, my algae is all gone now :good: the fish are glowing with health, ( i'm taking breeding behaviour as a good sign).

Thing is some of my broad leaf plants have always been a bit, 'less green' they should be a darker colour, maybe richer colour would be a better description?

There is the beginnings of a carpet from sagittaria subulata, with hydrocortyle and Java fern covering the plumbing at the back with said broad leaf plants and a suculent i've yet to identify. I also have some coloured plants, alternanthera roseafolla and they took the brunt of the algae (stagshorn i think, black round the leaf edges) and are recovering but look like they could do with more light.

This brings me to the point, (finally i hear you shout). If i increace my light levels should i increace the ferts to suit and can i avoid carbon or would this be a mistake and is worth the extra hassle and expense.(260 litre tank see sig).

Thanks for reading
When you start to creep the lights up you increase the plants demands for CO2 and ferts - I don't subscribe to balance, but work on limiting factors - Currently if you're tank is running well I'd put my chips on the light being the limiting factor and that you're supplying enough nutrient and CO2 (via water change) for your light levels.
Obviously you could begin to increase this but then you'll just be looking for the bursting point where the light is driving the need for ferts/CO2 beyond what you're providing - Then you'll need to look at CO2 and adding the Nourish+ as well as the nourish to prevent algae.

I don't know what Nourish provides but if your greening is a problem check it for the levels of Magnesium and Calcium (or the levels in your water) - These help with greenification. :good:

With both lamps on in the hood my light levels would increace by 50%,(Shock) i turned one tube off bar an hour for 'midday' trying to control the algae. I might try upping the light back to the intended level.

But stay at the same amount of time and see how thing progress.
What lighting do you have out of curiosity?
colouration can be sometimes quite simply down to the colour of the tubes you use. Not meaning they aren't growing the right colour because you have the wrong lights, just that different colour lights make things look different.

i.e. some people say my cherries are pale and my Bororas colourless. They are under the white lights I use however if I add a pink light the cherries instantly look like high grade full red Sakura and the Bororas a imilar effect, red plants go from a dull colour to looking like you see in show pictures and the greens go from pale to vibrant.

That is an effect of the light rather than any benefit to the life or plants :) If the algae is gone then I wouldn't worry about it too much.
colouration can be sometimes quite simply down to the colour of the tubes you use. Not meaning they aren't growing the right colour because you have the wrong lights, just that different colour lights make things look different.

i.e. some people say my cherries are pale and my Bororas colourless. They are under the white lights I use however if I add a pink light the cherries instantly look like high grade full red Sakura and the Bororas a imilar effect, red plants go from a dull colour to looking like you see in show pictures and the greens go from pale to vibrant.

That is an effect of the light rather than any benefit to the life or plants :) If the algae is gone then I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I have worked hard to kill the algae off rather than just take it out. I now know a lot more about it and how to manage my water and plants to prevent it.

Maybe look at some better colour tubes then. Rather than the actual light level.

Cheers :good:
Bear in mind that different colour tubes may make a red plant go from a maroon to a scarlet and look spectacular however the beautiful white sand and anything else in the tank is also affected.

Many will mix a white / greenish light (5500-8000K) with a pink light (4000 - 5000K) and that mix will give a happy medium. For me I am not interested in seeing enhanced colours in my home. I want to see everything as it should look rather than a spectacular 'enhanced' version.

However I know a lot of people do like it and have no problem with that.

Each owner should get the lights that makes the tank and it's contents look best to their eyes and not worry too much about suggestions of what is supposed to grow best. After all you are the one having to look at the tank every day not those who give out the advice :)

There's a light comparison on James's planted tank, and if someone has the link there's a really good one somewhere.....
Bear in mind that different colour tubes may make a red plant go from a maroon to a scarlet and look spectacular however the beautiful white sand and anything else in the tank is also affected.

Many will mix a white / greenish light (5500-8000K) with a pink light (4000 - 5000K) and that mix will give a happy medium. For me I am not interested in seeing enhanced colours in my home. I want to see everything as it should look rather than a spectacular 'enhanced' version.

However I know a lot of people do like it and have no problem with that.

Each owner should get the lights that makes the tank and it's contents look best to their eyes and not worry too much about suggestions of what is supposed to grow best. After all you are the one having to look at the tank every day not those who give out the advice :)


Ha Ha no i wasn't looking for enhancements. My bog stock tubes are just that. My tank set up is entirely made by me bar the tank and filter obviously. What the tank is on and the cover have all been built by me and the lighting is just 2 bog stock domestic flouresant fittings. On separate timers.

I was thinking of going for a more 'daylight' colour thats all as i may be 'too white' if you get my meaning.
Just thought i'd add an update to this.

All i ended up doing to improve the plants colour was change the ferts to 5ml under the levelon the bottle.

More light ment more algae, it was almost instant within 48hrs of increacing the light i had fillament algae back. Stuff must grow inches a day.

Anyway its all back under control, 6hrs of dirct light with a 'midday hour' of twin tubes and after a good clearout of wimpy looking plant leaves i now have no algae of any consequence and happy green plants.

As i see it if i want to go any further with things i need carbon, and to be honest i can't afford the time or the money for that ATM. It is a very fine balance though, if you have algae you have things a little off, and from the last 6 weeks of exp that can be little in the very real sense.

Happy fishkeeping.

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