

New Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Ok well everyone on this forum seems super helpful and friendly >.> so! I'll ask for help here...
I have a 10 Gal. tank cycling right now, and I was thinking of getting some female betas for it. I've been scanning these forums for a few days now, and read that you need to get around 3-6 females for them to live happily and not fight. So, how many should I get for my new tank :unsure: I also have a pleco that's going to go in there with them, which should be fine, he's a dark brown with black spots. Not sure if I plan on getting any other kind of fish for in the 10 gal. I'll worry about that later I think =D
I also know I need to pick up either more plants(silk) or replace the plastic ones I have with silk ones, (wasn't planning on beta females when I got this tank so I just picked up a package of the medium plastic ones from walmart =/) Also I think I need to get another cave if there is going to be more then 2-3 fish like i was intending. Oh! and I also read that you need to put them in all at once, because it's hard to introduce more or something like that. (All at once like buy them all together not just dump them in when I get them ^_^)
Hehe, reason for wanting betas is I recently bought a male beta and I just love them! I have my male in a 1 gal. tank, thinking of buying a 2.5 for him as well as getting another/a 2.5 for another male, I want to see if I can find a HM around there, they're so pretty ^^. I'll post a picture of my male later on, if I can ever find my boyfriend's digital camera ><

Oh, another question about the filter this time. When you have to change the cartridge how do you do that and keep the bacteria? or are they just in the tank and it'll be no problem? Was a bit confused about that. I have an AquaTech 15-5 filter that came with the tank, is that to strong of a current?

Anyways thanks ahead of time for any feedback!!
i think its a minimum of 4 females 2 even out aggression but i may be wrong :p u sy u got a plec 2 go in aswell 2 be honest that size tank is way 2 small for most if not all plecs going by wot u said its a gibbysep plec which grows to 18+ inches and obviously vary unsitibale it needa at least a 4 foot 70gallon tank for when it gets bigger :)

as 2 the filter just take it out on ur water change swished it about in TANK water that uve got in a bucket not 2 vigourously tho and them put it back in thats should be fine.

hope that helped:)

EDITED to say...... :) Hi & Welcome :)

Hi and welcome :good:

We have a 15 galon female tank. It is home to 10 females, 1 yoyo loach and a few Oto's. We found that by slightly over-stocking the females there is less squabbling :lol:

I would say you should be ok with 5 or 6 females :good: With regards to the plec, there are some that only grow to about 5 inches, bristlenose and bulldog plecs spring to mind. If yours is a more common plec it will outgrow your tank and destroy any decor :lol:

Can you put a pic of the plec up?
Yea I'll put one up when I find that camera when my boyfriend gets home from work, and after I get home >< It'll be way later tonight. And yea I know the pleco will get huge depending on the species. I'll try to look it up right now and post which I think it is =P
Hmm, I think I just have a common one =/ Blah, well if it starts to outgrown the 10 gal. one I was looking at some tanks and i think i may get a 30 gal. one down the line. I'll see how it turns out, and yea I'll post those pictures sometime tonight or tomorrow =P
Hmm, I think I just have a common one =/ Blah, well if it starts to outgrown the 10 gal. one I was looking at some tanks and i think i may get a 30 gal. one down the line. I'll see how it turns out, and yea I'll post those pictures sometime tonight or tomorrow =P

unfortunatly a 30 gal still wont be big enough for a common plec would personnaly try get rid while its young still as u could stunt its growth and it will be a very unhappy , unheathly fish even 2 a far a causing it 2 die :(

True true, blah the pet stores really should inform you of sizes and stuff. >< I mean I knew they could get big but I forgot how big. -sigh- I'll see what I can do.

Edit: KK I just looked at the stores website that I bought it from (Petco ><) and it seems like they have the 45 day period on which you can return items. So, I'm hoping this includes the fish as well. If so, I'll just return it maybe tomorrow or sometime this weekend, since I don't have to work. And thanks for the help, I forgot how big they got ><

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