Females Tankmates?

LilyRose Tank

Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2009
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please can you let me know if there are tankmates the female betta will accept. thinking of getting one, but whish tank can she go in,.....corys, platys or guppies....or none, I' rather not buy her if shes immediately at risk
i wouldn't get the guppies or platties as i've read that the female betta will mistake them for her own species and attack them. i think that the corys should be fine, as they stay at the bottom most of the time, and aren't brightly coloured. she would also be fine with otocinclus catfish.

cheers :good:
bottom dwellers are fine. platys and endlers will be fine . never had a problem with guppys and bettas but some people have. how big is the tanks first that would help to find what fish can go in there.
please can you let me know if there are tankmates the female betta will accept. thinking of getting one, but whish tank can she go in,.....corys, platys or guppies....or none, I' rather not buy her if shes immediately at risk
I put a platy in with my female betta and it didn't work out. My betta was stressed and the platy nipped the betta's fin. They were together in a 10-gallon. I also tried Rasboras and again she had the stressed lines, so I realized my female was best off by herself. She's happy and enjoys watching us through her 10-gallon tank.

Does you betta bite at all? If she's not aggressive, you could try pygmy cories or something little that stays at the bottom. My girl does bite. When I rearranged her tank, she went to town on my arm nipping me like crazy. lol (but her and all my other bettas bit b/c I feed them from my finger ;) I'm not sure if bettas bite unless they're "trained" to.
Our female is in with khuli loach, oto's and cory's and gets along fine. Previously she was in with clown loach, keyhole cichlids, rummy noses and got on fine.

Think the main one to avoid is guppies really. :good:
I'm researching for future reference really, Havn't got a female yet, have a male in a 8G tank with an apple snail, building bubble nests so I thought I'd research my options. I wouldn'y breed them without researching well, and I have a 30G cory tank that I thought about putting a beautiful platinum Halfmoon I saw at my lfs, I want to bring him home as he is so spectacular, but not sure he could cope with 24 corys in with him, so my oither option was a female. still thinking about it though
I had a female in the guppies, S'tailed mollies, khuli loachs and b'catfish. They all seemed to get along fine. I think its a bit of see what happens like males. When you buy your female just have a look at what kind of fish she is in with. Sometimes what they are in with is not a good idea, but if you have a good fish shop where they now what they are talking about, just take a note and ask. Just make sure there is lots of hidding places for her.

I'm researching for future reference really, Havn't got a female yet, have a male in a 8G tank with an apple snail, building bubble nests so I thought I'd research my options. I wouldn'y breed them without researching well, and I have a 30G cory tank that I thought about putting a beautiful platinum Halfmoon I saw at my lfs, I want to bring him home as he is so spectacular, but not sure he could cope with 24 corys in with him, so my oither option was a female. still thinking about it though
aslong as theres a good 10X + turnover in the tank then you could get a nice group of females in there. 6-8 should work.

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