Fish Crazy
i want it but i just bought a new tank


Not everybody can afford to get these fish in groups. And even if you do, they may not spawn, I have known a few who tried and finally gave up. Before I would spend the dollars needed to try and breed any fish, I would want to know i could keep them alive in my tanks and would prefer to find this out with one or two fish rather than a group of them.
I think the only moral obligation is that if you keep any fish, you do so responsibly to insure their their good health.
Not everybody can afford to get these fish in groups. And even if you do, they may not spawn, I have known a few who tried and finally gave up. Before I would spend the dollars needed to try and breed any fish, I would want to know i could keep them alive in my tanks and would prefer to find this out with one or two fish rather than a group of them.
I think the only moral obligation is that if you keep any fish, you do so responsibly to insure their their good health.
I see your point, but at the same time - why pay £150 for a fish you know needs to be bred in captivity to remain in the "arena", and which you don't intend to breed? I think it's important for people to be aware of the issues (obviously better than I am *lol*) with Zebra plecs before buying. Of course, there are people who are aware of the issues and still want that expensive trophy plec to say "This 'un cost me £150, look what I can afford". And just as there are those, there are people who aren't aware and buy them because they're pretty. Awareness is the key issue though.