Female Zebra On Ac...

the seller probably thought that it will fetch a better price if listed as female - he/she noted that he/she was only told it is female.
the seller might have kept it alone for years without any moral remorse.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean. My feeling is that Zebras are endangered, and those considering buying should weigh up whether or not they are going to fork out for a whole group and breed, or leave a single sale for someone who is. I love Zebras, but I wouldn't buy a single one just to show off in my tank, because to me it would be morally wrong. Many people aren't aware of the responsibilities that come with owning these plecs - it's not fair to buy one (in my opinion) if you're not going to breed them. Hope that clarifies where I'm coming from.
As far as i'm aware zebra plecs are not actually endangered in the wild, Brazil has just banned their exportation along with most other fish species from the region so wholesalers can no longer legally obtain them.

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