Female Swordtail Has Tumor Like Bubble?


Mostly New Member
Aug 21, 2014
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Hello, I currently have a 10 gallon tank that is, in my opinion, heavily planted (with gravel), with driftwood, a filter, a heater (not in use at the moment), and a hood light with a day/night function. The current occupants in this tank are around 10-15 small snails, 1 huge snail (I don't know their species), a random shrimp that I never bought, a Rhino Pleco, and two swordtails. (One male and female).
The problem is, my female swordtail (who has a tendency of getting pregnant, I have seen fry in the tank before, but it was probably eaten), has a clearish bubble like space in her head/backbone. People I have previously asked say it may be an air pocket, gas bubble disease, cancer, or a tumor. Symptoms of what I think may be this bubble or her pregnancy include staying near the filter, and generally the surface of the water, and spitting out food, which she has been doing for nearly 9 days now. The strangest thing is, my male swordtail displays no symptoms whatsoever. He does not seem to have this bubble...thing. I'm really worried because she hasn't done this before and I have no idea what this thing is.


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You didn't mention the water readings?
This could be a secondary infection from a run down immune system due to her pregnancies, unstable water conditions, bad water quality or stress.
Do you have a testing kit? Does the temp fluctuate at all? Is there a reason why the heater is off?
Thanks :)
Well the thing is I do not currently own a testing kit but I am planning sometime to buy one this week, and I do not use the heater because it is summer here and the temperatures do not fluctuate. I'll get back to you with the readings as soon as I can.
Ok cool,
If you can quarantine her so if it is something like inch then she can't spread it. If not then not to worry you can medicate the whole tank.
Try and do a 20-30% water change everyday using the water conditioners and matching water temp.
Oh I forgot to say that you can use tetra general cure as we don't actually know what we're dealing with yet.
Well the good news is, I see her pooping, so I guess she is getting her food from somewhere. Also the problem seems to be inside her body so I doubt that it is Ich.
Hi im new to the forum itself and i have a platy that has been pregnant alot and noticed a similar bubble as well towards the back of its body but not on any other fish i currently have and i to am intrigued what this is to, but maybe they are just having to much fun, maybe somebody can give me an insight.

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