female molly

little fry

New Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
MY mollie had a batch of mollie fry about 3 weeks ago and she didn't look fat after that she was supper skinny and then after she had the babies i put her back in the normal the normal tank which has to platies in it one female one male. After about one week she looks pregnant again and i was wondering if a platie and molly can bred. I don't know anything about them except how to take care of them. But i don't know anything about breeding them. when she had her babies i bought her from the store pregnant. But she has 9 very healthy babies. i was just wondering if those two can bred. :) :hyper: ;) :p B) :*
yes they can breed they are livbearers that can give bisth about every 3 to 4 weeks and can store sperm for about 6 months so yes it could be them ;)
Platties can't breed with mollies - different species. However, mollies can store sperm and delay pregnancy, so it is entirely possible she's pregnant again.

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