Female Molly Unable To Use Tail

I have given her a salt bath today.

I will get the methylene blue tomorrow.

I will research salt dips now and try that tomorrow.

Also does this kind of illness distroy scales and flesh?
It can, yes. 
Can that be healed?

Or has it gone too far to be repaired at that point?
Her entire back end has come off!!

The entire section that was fluffy has come away. She no has absolutely no back end.

Everything from the end of her dorsal fin is gone!!

It basically now looks like something has eaten half of her.

Is that it? Am I going to loose her now.
Her entire back end has come off!!

The entire section that was fluffy has come away. She no has absolutely no back end.

Everything from the end of her dorsal fin is gone!!

It basically now looks like something has eaten half of her.

Is that it? Am I going to loose her now.
I believe that is the likely end at this point.  It would seem the infection had progressed too far before treatment began.  Unfortunately, with fish illnesses, this is often the case.  Illness mixed with poor water conditions are often too much for fish to overcome.
It is sad, but hopefully your able to learn something from the experience and are a better fishkeeper in the long term for it.  
We've all been there before.  It hurts, but if you learn something, there is some gain.
What do I do now?

Do I need to put her down?
You can continue to treat her and see if she starts to respond.  If she is acting 'normal', then you can wait.
If she is acting like she is suffering, then I'd suggest that putting her down is the best thing.  It really comes down to her behavior.   If she seems to be ok swimming and eating, then I'd let her go and continue treatment.  If not, then she needs to be put out of her misery.
Euthanizing fish comes in a few varieties...  The easiest one on the fishkeeper is generally a clove oil overdose.  (Clove oil is used as an anesthesia agent.)  Fluttermoth offers great directions here: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/426724-how-to-humanely-put-down-a-dwarf-gourami/?p=3611690.
There are other options, including blunt head trauma, decapitation.  The key is to try to do it quickly and painlessly, and as messy as the decapitation or 'brick' method prescribed by some is, it is fairly quick.  I prefer the clove oil method though.
She is vertical, with her head downwards. She cannot straighten herself out.

However she is moving around a lot, finding food etc.

She is eating & she is excreting as normal.

She isn't hiding away or anything.

Can she live this way?

Will the salt baths and methylene blue give her any kind of regrowth?
Its possible.  Swimming vertically is not 'normal'... so, if she doesn't get any regrowth or get more horizontal, I'd suggest you would need to put her down.
Ok ... so if I were to give her a salt and methylene bath & put methylene blue direct on her injuries everyday ... how much time would be suitable to wait to see if anything changes?
Two days you should see some improvement, if you are going to.
Ok. I will continue with the baths. I will give it a minimum of three days.

If I don't see any kind of change I will have to ... well you know .... I can't bring myself to say it.

Thank you for all your help. I have been a bit emotional about this. it just seems to have got so bad so quick and watching her has been hard.

I will post the out come.

Thank you again. I just wish this had never happened
I completely understand... and for what its worth, you are far from the first to have gone through this... not sure if that makes you feel any better, but it is what it is.
Unfortunately pearl did not make any progress.

She continued to be vertical (facing the bottom of the tank) and there were no signs of growth, also she stoped eating.

I don't believe she would have had any quality of life continuing to live that way.

I will miss her, she was my favourite and I'd always look for her first in the tank. I will miss watching her and I am sorry that I couldn't help her recover. I just hope I made her comfortable through this.

I will take care of her babies until it is time for them to bring joy to others. Except maybe one or two of them which I would like to keep.

Thank you to everyone who left advice for me. I feel I did my best for pearl and that is because of you guys.

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