I have a 29 Gal tank cycled tank with:
2x Female Dwarf Gouramis
1x Male dwarf Gourami
1x Bristlenose Catfish
There is a pretty good amount of plants, some hiding spots and some floating plants.
The male is pretty mellow and decides to chase the ladies once in a while, but just chills most of the time. The females, however, are getting quite aggressive towards one another. The more dominant of the two used to chase the other, but now they bite eachothers sides and knock eachother crooked. As far as I know they just began exibiting this behavior today.
Should I:
a) add another female to spread out the stress
b.) ignore it. Thats what they do.
c) rearrange their furnature
d) addd more plants
e) get rid of the dominant fish (I really don't want to do this)
f) other
If I do need to add another female can it be from a different strain? I just am a little apprehansive about adding a lot of bland looking female dwarf gouramis, but I'll do it if its needed. Would Honey Gouramis work?
2x Female Dwarf Gouramis
1x Male dwarf Gourami
1x Bristlenose Catfish
There is a pretty good amount of plants, some hiding spots and some floating plants.
The male is pretty mellow and decides to chase the ladies once in a while, but just chills most of the time. The females, however, are getting quite aggressive towards one another. The more dominant of the two used to chase the other, but now they bite eachothers sides and knock eachother crooked. As far as I know they just began exibiting this behavior today.
Should I:
a) add another female to spread out the stress
b.) ignore it. Thats what they do.
c) rearrange their furnature
d) addd more plants
e) get rid of the dominant fish (I really don't want to do this)
f) other
If I do need to add another female can it be from a different strain? I just am a little apprehansive about adding a lot of bland looking female dwarf gouramis, but I'll do it if its needed. Would Honey Gouramis work?