Female endler has a white colored area on tail? Help!

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2020
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Last night I noticed my female endler had a white patch on her tail but I couldn’t do anything besides trying to separate her last night so I just put her in a container and floated her in my 20 gallon. She jumped out... so no pics since she’s swimming around in the 20 gallon now. The white patch doesn’t look fuzzy and it doesn’t seem like a bump. It just seems to be in her tail. I’m guessing it’s bacterial and since she’s a new addition and gave birth to fry the first day I’m hoping it’s stress related and should clear up on its own. What should I do?
Does it look like this? This is fungus that is on the tail of the fish.
No, it looks like white coloration but it just.. appeared. However, it has gotten worse and larger so I bet it’s Columnaris or something similar. She is now isolated in a smallish container until I can get the quarantine tank setup. Hopefully it’ll be ready by tonight but I’ve been busy. Right now all the other fish look good and I’m doing waterchanges on both possibly infected tanks in about 2 hours. I’m hoping they don’t get sick too.
I would add aquarium salt to help your fish.
Sadly I don’t have any. Thankfully all the fish in the 20 look ok. I haven’t checked on the 10g yet. I have live plants so I wouldn’t be able to use the salt on that tank anyways. For now I guess it’s just a wait and see sort of thing.
You can use salt and it wont hurt the plants.
because of past experiences from both me and a lot of my friends, I’m not going to use aquarium salt in my tank. It has killed my plants before. Luckily none of the other fish seem to have it so I think I’m good. It’s hard to tell if the infected female is getting worse or better.
Please try to get pictures:) its impossible to diagnose without
Please try to get pictures:) its impossible to diagnose without
I’m pretty sure it’s a bacterial infection. It’s spreading quick and doesn’t look fuzzy. I’ve tried getting pictures, All of them end up blurry :rolleyes:. I have treatment and I’m pretty certain I’ve dealt with this before (had some guppy’s with the same issue). It just looks like her tail has some areas that turned white, it’s not sticking out, it doesn’t look attached, just white.

I’m going to hold off treating with bacterial meds until I see more fish showing symptoms anyways, for now More waterchanges are The only thing I’m doing. I’m going to try to find a picture of one of my guppies when they were sick, would that work? If I find one I’ll edit it In to this post.

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