Female Dwarf gourami - illness or infection?

Emma C

New Member
Oct 7, 2024
Reaction score
County Durham
I have a little Female dwarf gourami which developed a dark brown spot on one side after I’d had her for a couple of months. The other 4 fish of same breed looked fine and all of them continued to eat and swim well.
The pet store thought it might be an age spot as the spot hadn’t changed size or colour in over a fortnight .. however, a month later, the spot grew in size, as if 2 additional spots of equal size had joined the existing one.. it went from looking flat to raised and then more like a deepening wound that has also appeared on its other side, albeit smaller .. it no longer looked like a brown spot but a wound with the scab removed and more of an orange colour ..
I’ve since done the first round of treatment with some anti bacterial stuff recommended by the pet store and I have to wait a week now till I can go for round 2. The spot is looking mostly brown again but not much smaller .. does this mean that the anti bacterial solution is working and how long before I can expect my little fish to have fully recovered ?
(Note, water tests proved water was clean / no issues .. though just before I added the anti bacterial solution, one of my other fish that had otherwise been well, appeared to have lost her appetite a couple of days before, and then struggled with breathing the night before she died though I don’t think this was related to my fish with the spot I’m asking about as the other 3 fish are fine and they are all eating / swimming happily )


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Iridovirus, unfortunately dwarf gourami are prone to a certain strain of it often dubbed dwarf gourami disease, over 90% in the hobby have it either visibly or are carriers of it. There's no cure and most you are lucky to get even 1 year out of them.

Various symptoms of it. Lumps, growths, emaciation, discoloration, sudden death... all usually symptoms with this disease in dwarf gouramis.

Luckily it generally seems to be restricted to just dwarf gouramis.
Fish don't get age spots.

On one side it looks like a wound that has become infected by bacteria.
On the other side it looks a little raised and could be a tumour or growth of some sort.

I am pretty sure it's a bacterial infection that is eroding one side and raised/ inflamed on the other. This could be from a normal type of bacteria or something worse (Mycobacteria or Fish TB).


The fish that stopped eating for two days, then breathed heavily the night before it died probably had an internal bacterial infection.

The fish involved (dwarf gouramis - Colisa lalius) are regularly infected with Fish TB (Mycobacteria species) and this could be the cause of both problems. The only real way of confirming this is to have the dead fish necropsied (animal autopsy) and swabs taken from the sick fish. This would be done by a fish vet and the swabs sent off for culturing and examination under a microscope and with a Ziehl Neelsen test. However, this will cost a lot of money and it could be a more common type of bacteria that is easier to treat.

I would probably continue with the medication you are currently using and hope it treats the sore on the current fish. I would also monitor all the fish for similar symptoms and if anymore stop eating, get fat overnight, do a stringy white poop, breathe heavily and die within 24-48 hours of showing these symptoms, then get them tested for Mycobacteria.

In the mean time you should assume the worst and avoid getting aquarium water on your skin if you have any open wounds/ sore or cuts. Basically if you have any cuts or scratches, keep your hands out of the tank water. Mycobacteria can be transmitted to people and gets into open wounds where it causes a localised infection called a granuloma. These are really hard to treat and require a cocktail of antibiotics for an extended period of time. You should also wash your hands and arms with warm soapy water after working in the tank and feeding the fish.

If you have several aquariums, assume they are all infected and monitor them all for the symptoms above.

I'm hoping the fish is only infected by a common less harmful bacteria and not Mycobacteria but you should err on the side of caution with this.

The following links have more information about Fish TB and infections in people. It might stress you out or might help alleviate some fears. If you want to read them then please do and if you have any questions about Fish TB, just ask. This disease is really common but most people don't want to talk about it because it's incurable in fish.

The Gourami Iridovirus is a stress virus and is common in dwarf gouramis but is also found in all labyrinth fishes (Bettas & gouramis). The fact the fish was fine for a few months before it developed the sore would suggest it's unlikely to be the Iridovirus, which normally affects fish that are newly imported, not several months after they have been added to a home aquarium.

The Iridovirus weakens the immune system, affects the internal organs, and the fish gets infections from common bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungus in the water. Fish normally die within a week of the virus activating and causing symptoms. There's no cure for the Gourami Iridovirus and infected fish die.

I don't think it is the Iridovirus but could be. Monitor the fish and see how things go over the next few weeks to months.
Iridovirus, unfortunately dwarf gourami are prone to a certain strain of it often dubbed dwarf gourami disease, over 90% in the hobby have it either visibly or are carriers of it. There's no cure and most you are lucky to get even 1 year out of them.

Various symptoms of it. Lumps, growths, emaciation, discoloration, sudden death... all usually symptoms with this disease in dwarf gouramis.

Luckily it generally seems to be restricted to just dwarf gouramis.
Thank you Casscats for taking the time to have a look at my query. Much appreciated though don’t think it is iridovirus. The other gourami in the tank don’t appear to be displaying any signs of illness and I thought iridovirus was contagious. The single fish that died hadn’t had any prior symptoms til last week and the one with the current issue first developed the spot about 2.5 months ago with the recent appearance change occurring in the past fortnight … Also, I'm not sure that the gourami would have survived this long with iridovirus, plus, the fish with the growing wound like thing seems otherwise happy .. though I may be mistaken 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fish don't get age spots.

On one side it looks like a wound that has become infected by bacteria.
On the other side it looks a little raised and could be a tumour or growth of some sort.

I am pretty sure it's a bacterial infection that is eroding one side and raised/ inflamed on the other. This could be from a normal type of bacteria or something worse (Mycobacteria or Fish TB).


The fish that stopped eating for two days, then breathed heavily the night before it died probably had an internal bacterial infection.

The fish involved (dwarf gouramis - Colisa lalius) are regularly infected with Fish TB (Mycobacteria species) and this could be the cause of both problems. The only real way of confirming this is to have the dead fish necropsied (animal autopsy) and swabs taken from the sick fish. This would be done by a fish vet and the swabs sent off for culturing and examination under a microscope and with a Ziehl Neelsen test. However, this will cost a lot of money and it could be a more common type of bacteria that is easier to treat.

I would probably continue with the medication you are currently using and hope it treats the sore on the current fish. I would also monitor all the fish for similar symptoms and if anymore stop eating, get fat overnight, do a stringy white poop, breathe heavily and die within 24-48 hours of showing these symptoms, then get them tested for Mycobacteria.

In the mean time you should assume the worst and avoid getting aquarium water on your skin if you have any open wounds/ sore or cuts. Basically if you have any cuts or scratches, keep your hands out of the tank water. Mycobacteria can be transmitted to people and gets into open wounds where it causes a localised infection called a granuloma. These are really hard to treat and require a cocktail of antibiotics for an extended period of time. You should also wash your hands and arms with warm soapy water after working in the tank and feeding the fish.

If you have several aquariums, assume they are all infected and monitor them all for the symptoms above.

I'm hoping the fish is only infected by a common less harmful bacteria and not Mycobacteria but you should err on the side of caution with this.

The following links have more information about Fish TB and infections in people. It might stress you out or might help alleviate some fears. If you want to read them then please do and if you have any questions about Fish TB, just ask. This disease is really common but most people don't want to talk about it because it's incurable in fish.

wow, Colin T, I can see why you would be called the Fish Guru, and I’m really hoping that the issue is a type of bacteria that will be eliminated with the anti-bacterial treatment so fingers crossed it works.
Thank you for the advice on preparing for the worst - it’s never easy having to think like that but I know it’s best to be prepared for outcome to occur favourably or in a negative direction..
Also, thank you for the advice on keeping myself protected. Oddly enough, before I’d seen your response, I had just been googling to see results for likelihood of humans getting ill from pet fish with common illnesses .. your advice is very much appreciated .

I did see the white stringy poop on at least one of the fish, briefly, a while back but, none of the fish have had that white stringy poop for a good few weeks now ..

I’ll have a read through the links you’ve sent so thank you for sharing.

I joined this forum less than 24 hours ago and I’m so pleased I did . Obviously the date of my gourami is yet to be seen but, I feel more confident in actions I can take to do the best I can given the situation..

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