Female Convicts


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Peterlee County Durham
Hi there
I know convicts are aggresive when breeding and that females tend to be samller than makes.
Would it be ok to keep 2 females together in the same tank?
If so how hard are they to introduce?If I put them togetehr on the same day?
I really hope this is possible as would really like two but dont want them to breed
thanks alot
If you introduce them together, get two around the same size and provide plenty of hiding spaces...I see no reason why you couldnt keep 2 females together

What size tank is it by the way?

- EDIT for being stupid and making spelling mistakes -_-

Thanks alot :D
They would probably only be in here for a few months as iv pursaded my mam to let me get another fish tank once shes decorated the living room
thinking of a 4 foot one.
Nice and big :lol:
Lots of space for them
Il probably post pictures coz should be getting them next week.
I cant wait :hyper: :rofl:
I have three females, mother and her two daughters, in a 37 gal. Maybe they get along so well becdause they are family.


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