Female Cherry Barb...


New Member
Jul 9, 2007
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Hi All...

I've tried to search this topic and the internet in general for the answer to this. For the most part I've been finding that cherry barbs are supposed to be some of the most peaceful of the barb family which is why we chose them...in addition to their brilliant color. We got a group of three (as a recommendation by our local store and online advice). However, instead of the 2F/1M ratio (as I'm seeing is recommended here) we have 2M/1F. The 2M don't seem to be a problem with each other at all...it's the female. She seems to bully and chase the other barb males and especially our 3 rainbow fish (am planning to get 3 more rainbows soon to make a larger school).

I'm concerned because she chases these rainbow fish ALL the time. Should I take her back to the store or switch up the ratio to make the tank a community again? She doesn't mess with the honey/dwarf gouramis...or either of the dojo loaches.

Also...it's a 45 gallon tank FYI. I would greatly appreciate any advice on what we should do! I just don't want any of the fish getting stressed...esp the rainbows since they're taking most of the heat!

Thanks for reading...again thanks for the help!!!
I have 3m/3f currently in a mixed community tank with gourami, rasbora, shrimp and cory. They have never been any problem. I guess you have two options - get more or get rid.

I personally like them a lot and if I had the room would have more. I'd try and get at least equal numbers of females to males too.


You can have just one cherry barb, but if not, you should have no less than 6.

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