Female bettas


New Member
Aug 5, 2003
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I have two female bettas and they started to fight, so i had to separate them... on the newsgroups it was suggested i add a third female to have them set a "pecking" order :huh: but will this work.... BTW, i keep them in a 10 gal tank with 3 swordfish (1 male 2 females) and a pleco.....TIA
Adding more females MAY help the aggresion of the more dominant one. However, there are many times where the aggressive female will kill other females. I have also heard of situations where all seems well at first, but later one ends up dead. So, I can only tell you that if you do add more females, watch them very carefully and be prepared to seperate them if needed. Bettas (males or females) really aren't your traditional compatible fish. You might actuallly do better by just leaving one in the 10 gal. and giving the other one a 1 gal bowl. (If you do this, you might want to put the more aggresive female in the small bowl and let the other one mingle with your other fish.) Sorry, there really isn't an easy answer to this question. It just depends on how aggresive your dominant female is.
welcome to the forum :D

and I think more females may be the trick, but ya never know with bettas...if you add a third the two older girls may become buddies all of a sudden and pound the newbie, maybe try 2 or 3 more, if you think you have enough fish inches to spare...I dunno know

I personally keep all of mine seperated just because of the fighting & I don't want to lose any of them

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