Female Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
A couple of weeks ago I came across a tank full of 'Female Siamese Fighters' in my lfs. Because it's been hard to find a shop that actually stocks female bettas I went a bit mad and bought 4 of them.

These four 'females' have chosen a part of their tank and have gotten quite territorial towards each other. I don't know if this is gonna sound stupid, but I just assumed (I hate that... NEVER assume with fish!!) that females were all nice and not aggressive.

Can females be aggressive or have I just potentially bought a bunch of young males who I'm going to have to separate? 'cos that would suck considering my other tanks aren't suitable for these bettas (homes to the fin nipping Barbs!)

Help!! :/
Ooh, my other stupid questions was:

Is there a way you can definitly tell the difference between males and females when they're young?

All of the fish I bought had short fins and were duller than the males. What else could I have looked for?
well females usually have short fins, although there are some males that also have short fins so thats not always a definate way of telling them apart. the best way to know if its a female is that females have a white "bump" just behind the ventrals which is their ovipositor. its something only females have. i found a picutre of it online

yes, females can be just as aggressive as males. i have found that if they are from the same spawn (sisters) they have a better chance when leaving them together. sometimes you will get lucky and find a docile female and if you have a large tank it's also possible as each will have it's own territory.
I have 2 females for my male :hey: (lucky dude) and they flare at each other all the time(they both want him). It never goes to physical contact (like the males :grr: ) so don't worry. Even the most peaceful of fish can be a little territorial. :D :hyper: :D
I have had female bettas for a number of years now..I often have to separate some now and then that do not work out..Currently I have 3 neat bettas in my 15 gal tank along with my other fish..One is a beautiful lilac fin cream body 2 year old and recently added a very young cambodian female..there is also a male, yes a male peacock betta..they all get along wonderfully!!!!!!!!the mail seems a little henpecked and not very agressive..he is a strange guy..my lilac one seems to have gained control over him and follows him everywhere..into the live plants etc
very sweet:)
karen "bettalady"
Thanks everybody for your advice.

I'm somewhat releaved that it's possible these four might be females after all! Yay!

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