Female Bettas


I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
I just got my female betts today, and while i have them in bags aclimating, i am noticing they are flaring at each other? Is that normal? I thought only males flared?

Is it still safe to put them in one tank together?
Oh ya, tottally normal. You should see my Cream! She is like The most often flaring female betta! :crazy:

Synirr, you raised a very aggressive bunch of bettas! :crazy: :lol:
females flare too =o its like their way of like going im sexier than you and all the men want me =o lmao
:D :D tee hee can see all these little girly fishes..sticking tongues out at each other and chanting I am prettier than you look at my pretty frock!! :p :p
Welcome to the world of female bettas! Congrats on yours.

By the way... My female flared, bullied 3 others, now has the tank to herself, and builds bubble nests. Good luck on your sorority.
Hahaha, nope. Everyone says she's female; she's got the white spot. But she's just one tough (butch?) female. :flex:

But it was only a 6 gallon tank. Next time, I'll try a 10 gallon like tttnjfttt's.
Almost all my females flare. I notice the 'masculine' ones do it more - the ones who blow bubblenests and are more aggressive. I think it is incredibly cute specially when they are still bebees.

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