Female Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Brisbane, Australia
For a while now i've wanted a group of female bettas, they seem much cuter than the males to me. So, I'm wondering what would be a minimum number of fish and minimum tank size?

Would they like it planted?
How much are you willing to spend, and how much room do you have for a tank. That would help to decide how many fish, and if they'll have enough room so as not to be as territorial.
Yes I find the females much cuter too! I have four in a 10 gallon planted tank. They seem to get along most of the time but occasionally minor fights still occur.
The base arrangement for a female community is between 4 and 6 females in a 10 gallon. Planted would be great, as they will need plenty of hiding spots so they can get away from one-another when they want to be alone. If you can get a group of sisters that usually works out to be a less aggressive tank :)
Yes, the general rule is 4-6 in a 10 gallon. The reason for this is, if you have less than four female bettas, there are not enough fish to distribute aggression - The fights will be much worse. More than 6 females, you are overtocked (as far as bettas go. The stocking is a little different then with regular fish). You can get away with 3 if they are especially peaceful or the tank is well planted.

10 gallons is generally accepted as the minimum, though an 8 gallon or something isn't going to kill, as long as you keep up with water changes.

If you want to get a bigger tank, then that is fab ^^ I'd guess (complete claptrap, I'm just guessing this - get another opinion) for every 5 gallons you add, you can have 1 more fish. So if you do a 20 gallon instead, you can have 6-8 fish. That's how I'd stock at least ^_^

I suggest getting LOTS of plants, I prefer real ones because I think my fish seems to enjoy them more. But many have success with fake plants. If you go fake, make sure you get some soft, broad-leafed plants, so they can really hide themselves. For real plans, my girls love water sprite plans - Thin boad leaves. I put them in my very well lit 20 gallon first and the plants got huge, them moved them to my 10 gallon.

Good luck. I defenitly love my sororety tank ^_^

Katy - Posting too much, again
Thanks for all the advice!
I should have no hassle getting a tank big enough, just finding female rather than male bettas will be the challenge. :D Checked out my lfs yesterday, and they only have males, but there's a few more places to check yet.
Some breeders will be happy to unload their 'surplus' ladies for a nominal fee :) I know Australia has very strict import laws, which could make shipping more expensive than many people would care for, but you might also be able to find a local breeder with some extras to rehome if you look around.
i have a 2ft tank with 2 platys 3 xray tetras and 1 female fighter.......today i purchased another three female fighters 1 red 1 white 1 blue
all sisters, the one already in tank went nuts :crazy: after 1hour i realesed them at 1st she was rrrrraaahhhhh :grr: but no contact, now they seem to be fine touch wood :D she aserted her domm now shes relaxed :thumbs:
I have a 10 gallon tank with 4 females. (Firefly,ava,julliette and venus) I really love the personalities of the females.I'd love to have more....Mine all seem to get along really good. Every once in awhile theres two that will stare at each other....I also put 6 danios in there. Kind of breaks up any aggression which might occur. My tank also has alot of plants and hiding places. Pvc elbow joints work great for caves. :D Good for the males also it doesn't bother the long fins.

I'd love to have a bigger tank with more females.

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