Female Bettas With Killiefish?


Fish Addict
Dec 2, 2011
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I've heard of some people keeping 5 female bettas in a community tank with killifish. What do you think? Would the killies be attacked? Or would they be okay?
I did keep mine with ppeacful killis. It depends on the type of killi
I'm thinking Nothobranchius Rudwildekampi - will that work?
Alright, I was just curious how the bettas would take to them? Do you think the bettas would instigate a mass murder?
I think that they might..... If it were a male, I can't see any problems with the females, they'll be too busy bothering eachother, than the other fish :good:
Alright, my females haven't had many issues, I just was wondering if you thought there would be a mass murder attempt
Yeah, I'll probably put in a breeder net and once they're acclimated, put the killis in there and see how the bettas take to them
I'll make sure to do it on a weekend, and have a net in hand, and not leave them alone for even an instant...
Yeah Big C is who I asked Marie. I think it's the australe that are very peacful but I got some similar. Some species are agressive and some aren't. Btw the females have virtually no colour, only the males do

I posted a pic in the killifish section of the type I had in with my female bettas. I'll see if I can find it

My thread a while back asking for advice:



That's the male I had in my community tank with my female bettas. I had a male and 2 females. The females were disappointing as they don't have the colour the males do.

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