female bettas and gourmies?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
candada B.C
Hi i have a 20 gallon tank with one blue gourmie(female) and 2 red platies. i was wondering if i have any more room for some other fish? if so what? the lady at the pet store said female bettas do well with them ........ -_- but i dought it. i like guppies but was wondering about them too. and i dont want to over stock my tank eather. so if you have any comments id love to hear them.
I doubt they will work welltogether. Most gouramies would still pick on the betta, and female bettas can get pretty nasty (I am stuck with a few bettas, one is a crazy female betta, who beat up my tough male)

I honestly wouldn't try it, but honey gouramis might be ok because they are very peaceful and look nothing like bettas :)
most anabatoids cannot be sucessfully mixed together. paradise fish, gouramis, bettas -- all tend to be aggressive towards each other. paradise fish and bettas are especially notorious for mutual destruction.

i would have to vote against the combination and personally would only maybe attempt it with a back-up container for the betta (in case things get ugly).
i have that combination..works ok.....depends on the indivdual fishes thou...wheter they are aggressive or peaceful fish...ie if u have to peaceful of each then they shouldnt cause ne problems...but i agree if u do try it have a backup plan in case it does go wrong..

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