Female betta

littlefishie said:
The white dot you're talking about is her ovipositor, or egg tube.
Not white poo.

It's normal, she'll be fine.
Is it supposed to stick out all the time? :dunno: Sorry I feel so stupid, I am new to this whole betta thing. :p
Don't feel stupid. feel GLAD that now you know your fishy's white *ahem* spot is normal.
Besides...I think I've earned the Lifetime Award for Most Stupidest Questions Asked EVER in this forum.

Raechal said:
littlefishie said:
The white dot you're talking about is her ovipositor, or egg tube.
Not white poo.

It's normal, she'll be fine.
Is it supposed to stick out all the time? :dunno: Sorry I feel so stupid, I am new to this whole betta thing. :p
As far as I know yes, my girls' ovipositor sticks out all the time.
Usually it's even more noticeable when they're filled with eggs.
My female is a little chunky in the belly but I doubt she is full of eggs, probably just full of peas that little pig! How often should I feed her peas as the are clearly her favorite? I've tried bloodworms and she isn't very fond of those, she likes crushed up dried shrimp. I haven't tried flake or baby brine shrimp yet but I will try those tomorrow and maybe some betta pellets as well tomorrow or the next day.

Anything else different I could feed her? I want to turn the lights on in my room to watch her but she deserves her nighttime and privacy I suppose. :wub: I think I am in love.
She got her stress lines back for about 20 minutes because I was vaccuuming the gravel abd doing a 50% water change, but I think once she gets used to it she'll lighten up. :thumbs: She has amazing color that I've never noticed before. Her body is a duller red and her fins are a bright red. Her tail even has black around the edges! Fed her another pea today she loved it. She passed up brine shrimp and flakes for the pea. :rolleyes: :wub:

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