female betta


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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i have a female betta in a 4ft tank with a few guppies and a male in a cage thing for bettas, the female is showing that she wants the male bad she has these strips
her egg spot is out but she dont look like she i holding any eggs should i try and breed her or wait untill she looks full of eggs?

the male has built a nest
ow i know what in doing as in how to breed what to feed etc, but this is the 1st time a female has wanted it but not look very rounded
You need to condition both the male and female for at least a week and a half before breeding, that should help her produce eggs :thumbs:

Edit: In case you don't know what conditioning is. It's feeding live foods ;)
I don't know... but you could let the male out and watch closely. Remove the male again at the first sign of trouble. Don't leave them alone though... just incase.
If you haven't already, I'd just reading all the pinned articles in the Bettas section. Betta breeding takes a lot of work. Getting the bettas to breed is one of the easy parts, but you need to make you you have live foods for the fry, a large growout tank, around 2 hours a day to look after the fry, tons of jars to keep the juvie bettas in, and a plan for what you will do when the bettas grow up. Just something to consider before you go ahead with the breeding. ;)
my female betta is extreamly rounded and when i put the male upto the female tank they all want some :lol: if they dont look to rounded u could try conditioning her for a while, it dpesn't take alot of effort to get her full of eggs :D
just to be on the safe side illd wait :)
then when she is big and rounded yourll get more eggs and more fry

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